Thursday, December 6, 2007

One May Not Withhold the Mystical Imagination

by Rav Avraham Yitzchak Kook

One may not withhold the mystical imagination, which is the secret of creation.

Mystical thought causes new souls to sprout, redeemed souls, souls that redeem, messianic souls.

Within [this] secret of secrets, the hiddden and the revealed unite. From the concealed source, the revealed and exposed are blessed; all of the cultures of society are blessed from the source of straightness hidden within the depths of the secrets.

And I—behold, I yearn for the blossoming from Hashem, for the light of salvation to appear. I will not turn back upon my path, even though many are my enemies, those who rise against me.

But more than all my enemies, I myself rise against myself. My smallness rises up against my greatness. The degradation of my spirit berates its glory.

But my glory will not bow its head in fear of the shadows of smallness. Although [those shadows] may stretch themselves out a great deal, they are only shadows. And where the sun shines its light, they will flee.

Chadarav, pp. 108-109

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